Catch Up

So many things have happened since the last time I posted. I have been so busy!

Well, I met one if the guys from OKCupid last Thursday – Titan, I believed I called him (it was how he described his height on his profile). So I met up with him, and figured it would be a max time of an hour. We told each other our times somewhere in the middle of our conversation – he gave our meeting a half hour. We were sitting, drinking starbucks in the food court of the mall for two hours! Well, two and a half, really…

It was great. We have so much in common. And he’s so funny and sarcastic and he loves animals and his mother and he has a job and all of his teeth and a ginger beard…

During our meet, we both agreed that if something should happen with our new friendship, that’s great – however, if nothing happens that’s fine also. We joined to meet people. So, we both agreed on that. Also, we agreed that this was a “meet” rather than a “date”, because we don’t know each other. We agree on a lot of very important things.

It was great.

In other news, I have been moved from Mouse House to Madagascar; now I work with lemurs, fossa, mongoose… I love it. It’s so great. I get to go in and hand feed lemurs. Every day. I have to climb a waterfall once a week to clean the rocks, and that’s so much fun!

The building itself is super chill and I love working with the senior of the building, and the one other person who is in the building at a given day. I love this building.

Back to possible romantic news, I’m meeting another guy… who is… Joshua. I’m meeting Joshua tonight at my favorite diner after I drive back to Home Base from the zoo.

We connect so well online, and he’s so active and I really feel good about him. I feel good about him. I am worried because I feel like he’s out of my league… but he is really excited to meet me… so maybe he thinks the same? I don’t know.

I’ve got such a terrible self image. I still see myself 50 pounds heavier, with a face of my high school self (basically a giant tomato) and this hideous frizzy mess of a ponytail (regardless of how my hair is actually styled). It’s all a low self-esteem mixed with a horrible case of body dismorphia. Mentally, I’m a disaster.

That’s not technically true – my mental status runs the entire gambit – sometimes I feel amazing, sometimes I feel like what I’ve described… and anywhere in between.

Ah well. I feel good today… at least, so far. We’ll see what the day brings.

I am excited for tonight, though.
I’ll keep you posted.

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